BRACBANK: 3Q23 Earnings Update

Profit of BRAC Bank Limited (BRAC BD) increased by 35.4% YoY in Q3’23

·         BRAC BD’s consolidated EPS increased by 35.4% YoY in Q3’2023 to BDT 1.34 which goes in line with our expectation.

·         The Bank reported a solo EPS of BDT 1.25, 45.3% higher YoY.  

·         The Bank’s consolidated NAVPS stood at BDT 40.22 as of 30 Sep 23 compared to BDT 38.01 as of 31 Dec 22.

Table: Net Asset Value Per Share (NAVPS)

31-Dec-2230-Sep-23YoY growth31-Dec-2230-Sep-23YoY growth
NAVPS (BDT)38.0140.225.8%36.2938.496.1%
Source: Company Website

Table: Earnings Per Share (EPS)

Q3’22Q3’23YoY growth9M’229M’23YoY growthQ3’22Q3’23YoY growth9M’229M’23YoY growth
EPS (BDT)0.991.3435.4%2.353.2638.7%0.861.2545.3%2.443.1328.3%
  Source: Company Website